Docker Swarm Cluster Improvements

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This post is part of a series.

  1. Docker Swarm with Ceph for cross-server files
  2. Upgrading Ceph in Docker Swarm
  3. Docker Swarm Cluster Improvements (This Post)

Since my previous posts about running docker-swarm with ceph, I’ve been using this fairly extensively in production and made some changes to the setup that follows on from the previous posts.

1. Run ceph using docker-compose

The first main change was to start running ceph with docker-compose on the host nodes.

The main reason for this is to save me needing to look up the docker run commands if I wanted to recreate the containers (eg for updates).

Firstly, switch ceph into maintenance mode:

ceph osd set noout

And then stop and remove the old containers:

docker stop ceph-mds; docker stop ceph-osd; docker stop ceph-mon; docker stop ceph-mgr;
docker rm ceph-mds; docker rm ceph-osd; docker rm ceph-mon; docker rm ceph-mgr;

Install docker-compose following the installation guide, which looks something like this at the time of writing:

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

And then create a new directory /root/ceph/ with a docker-compose.yml file inside that looks something like this:

version: '3.9'

x-ceph-default: &ceph-default
   image: 'ceph/daemon:latest-nautilus'
   restart: always
   network_mode: host
   pid: host
      - '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/'
      - '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph'

      << : *ceph-default
      command: mds
      container_name: ceph-mds
         - CEPHFS_CREATE=1
         - CEPHFS_DATA_POOL_PG=128

      << : *ceph-default
      command: osd
      container_name: ceph-osd-sdb
      privileged: true
         - '/var/lib/ceph/:/var/lib/ceph/'
         - '/etc/ceph:/etc/ceph'
         - '/dev/:/dev/'
         - OSD_DEVICE=/dev/sdb
         - OSD_TYPE=disk

      << : *ceph-default
      command: mgr
      container_name: ceph-mgr
      privileged: true

      << : *ceph-default
      command: mon
      container_name: ceph-mon
         - MON_IP=<MON IP>
  • <MON IP> should be replaced with the output from ip addr show dev eth0 | grep "inet " | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}'
  • <PUBLIC NETWORK> should be replaced with the output from ip route show dev eth0 | grep link | grep -v | awk '{print $1}'

Then the ceph containers can be restarted using:

docker-compose up -d

This should be done on each node one at a time.

This makes updating easier as we can now just change the ceph-default section and then stop/start the containers. Eg the process to upgrade to octopus on each node:

Firstly, edit docker-compose.yml and change the image to be ceph/daemon:latest-octopus

Then on each node we can run docker-compose pull to pull down the new image, and we can run through the upgrade process, which is similar to how we did it last time but this time we don’t need to remember the right options for docker run.

Start by setting noout:

ceph osd set noout

On each node one at a time restart the mon containers

docker-compose stop mon; docker-compose up -d mon

and mgr:

docker-compose stop mgr; docker-compose up -d mgr

and osd:

docker-compose stop osd-sdb; docker-compose up -d osd-sdb

(As before, you want to wait until ceph osd versions shows the new osd coming back and ceph status looks happy before moving on)

Once all 3 are done, we can enable octopus-only features:

ceph osd require-osd-release octopus

Now the mds containers are a bit different:

Firstly we need to change max_mds to 1 if it’s not already (You can check using ceph fs get cephfs | grep max_mds):

ceph fs set cephfs max_mds 1

Now we should stop all the non-active MDSs. We can see the currently active MDS using: ceph status | grep -i mds and on the standby nodes we can do:

docker-compose stop mds;

Then we can restart the active mds:

docker-compose stop mds; docker-compose up -d mds

And once it appears as active within ceph status we can restart the standbys:

docker-compose up -d mds

At this point, the max_mds value can be reset if it was previously anything other than 1.

Now unset the noout flag:

ceph osd unset noout

We can also update our crushmap to straw2:

ceph osd getcrushmap -o backup-crushmap
ceph osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2

(This creates a backup that we can restore if needed with ceph osd setcrushmap -i backup-crushmap)

And fix the insecure global_id reclaim warning:

ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false

After making this change, our host node version of ceph may no longer be able to talk to the cluster, but this should be easily resolved by running yum update ceph

The upgrade process from octopus to pacific is much the same up to the point where we run ceph osd unset noout there are no post-upgrade cleanups needed.

2. Run keepalived via swarm

This is somewhat of a quality-of-life change to ensure that drained nodes don’t have keepalived running.

I didn’t previously document setting up keepalived on these nodes, but I’ve now switched from running it outside of swarm, to inside swarm.

A docker-compose.yml file similar to this:

version: '3.7'

x-defaults: &defaults
  image: osixia/keepalived:2.0.20
    - host
   - /var/data/composefiles/keepalived/
    mode: global
      condition: any


    << : *defaults

    << : *defaults

    external: true
  • <IPV4 IP> and <IPV6 IP> are the VIPs we want to use.

With /var/data/composefiles/keepalived/ looking like:


PRIORITY_FROM_IP=$((255 - $(ip addr show dev ${KEEPALIVED_INTERFACE-eth0} | grep "inet " | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}' | awk -F. '{print $4}')))

if [ "${PRIORITY_FROM_IP}" != "" ]; then
        echo ${PRIORITY_FROM_IP} > /container/run/environment/KEEPALIVED_PRIORITY

Then this can be run similar to any other swarm service. The priorities are set based on the IPs of the host nodes.

We need to make sure that we have modprobe ip_vs run at startup, of which the easiest way is using /etc/rc.d/rc.local. On my clusters this looks something like:

touch /var/lock/subsys/local
modprobe ip_vs
sed -i '/'$(hostname)'/d' /etc/hosts
mount /var/data

And then chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

This also ensures our /var/data ceph mount is mounted, and removes the pointer to for our hostname (which breaks our ceph mounting as we’re using our public IPs).

3. Helper scripts

I have all my docker-compose.yml files for my different stacks/services live under /var/data/composefiles/ in separate folders per stack.

To make (re-)running and debugging these easier, I have a helper script that is loaded into the bash profile of my host nodes that gives me a few useful commands:

runstack and stopstack in a directory under /var/data/composefiles/ will start/stop the stack without needing to use the full docker stack deploy ... command. drain and undrain on a node will drain it and pause/unpause ceph as appropriate to allow for updates/reboots. servicelogs command to look at logs for a specific running instance of the service (because the docker service logs command is weird and mixes the logs from different nodes) serviceexec command to easily jump into a specific running isntance of a container from any node (eg serviceexec keepalived_v4 0 bash to jump into the first running instance)

I have this script at /var/data/.bash_common and then this gets synced over to /root/.bash_common periodically and then it gets loaded into the shell by adding:

if [ -f /root/.bash_common ]; then
        . /root/.bash_common

to the bottom of /root/.bashrc

(I used to load it directly from /var/data/.bash_common but this breaks the ability to login as root easily if there are issues with the ceph volume)